11th June 2013, Sága Borház Restaurant

12 Confrérie members and one guest enjoyed lunch together on the Sárga Borház terrace, strengthening friendship links as well as discussing up-coming tasks and events.

The first topic of discussion was the Tokaji Rendez-Vous series of events which aims to open the Tokaj Wine Region to members, providing a support network and strengthening links between those who wish to explore the region.

These events will give all the opportunity to become better acquainted with the local producers and their wines. Details will be on the website soon.

Confrérie de Tokaji lunch 11th June 2013

Those present agreed that expanding the membership base is key. The Confrérie thus requests that current members focus on recommending new members. We also agreed on the format of the Application Form. As a member you will receive a letter concerning membership expansion in the near future.

The entrance of new members will follow that of the founding members in the Initiation Ceremony. The next intiation is planned in conjunction with the end of year annual dinner for 14th December 2013. This will primarily be an initiation of new members in Hungary and the wine region. The Tokaj Wine Auction 2014 (26th April 2014) will provide the opportunity for the initiation of foreign members and those unable to join us in December.

An exhibition of bottles and glasses organized by István Müller will be linked to the initiation ceremony this year.

Confrérie de Tokaj lunch 11th June 2013

The Confrérie de Tokaj Lunch is open to all members who gather at the Sárga Borház at 1pm on the following Thursdays:
8th August – 12th September – 10th October – 14th November – 12th December

We hope to see you soon.

Tokaji Borlovagrendi Ebéd 2013. július 11
Lunch at the Sárga Borház